- "bitterness and purity"
- "Marginal" Awards
- "Marginal" Awards - Trade-offs
- "Marginal" Awards/ Multicultural
- (no subject)
- 30th Anniversary Virginia Hamilton Conference-April 3 & 4
- A "no cost" way (correction to Hallmark analogy)
- A "no cost" way (my Charles rebuttal)
- A "no cost" way (my Charles rebuttal) correction
- A "no cost" way (my rebuttal)
- A "no cost" way to support diversity at ALA, IRA and other conferences
- A "no cost" way to support diversity at ALA, IRA and other conferences - An alternate view
- A "no cost" way …..
- A 5-10 minute Diversity Experiment (that is a bit fun and not controversial) about editing
- A Big Thank You to Tim Tingle
- A response to Charles
- A Thought
- A thoughtful post at Cynsations
- A Top 100 list, by Tim/Debbie/Susan/Teresa
- Acquisition info for How I Became a Ghost
- affirmation and pluralism
- another award
- Another point to consider in the multicultural lit conversation
- Another point to consider in the multicultural lit conversation!
- Back to Invisibility
- Better not mention ......you know who....
- Big Bang Theory of statistical diversity analysis and Res Ipsa Ioquitur
- Bitterness and purity
- Bitterness and purity (and says christine - futility)
- Bitterness and purity -- Mixing Apples and Oranges
- Books About Africa
- books about people of Hawaii
- Brave and Happy Videos
- By, For, About
- ccbc-net digest: February 04, 2014
- ccbc-net digest: February 07, 2014
- ccbc-net digest: February 08, 2014
- ccbc-net digest: February 13, 2014
- ccbc-net digest: February 24, 2014
- ccbc-net digest: February 25, 2014
- CCBC-Net: Week Three on Diversity in Children's Books
- Celebrating Diverse Programming
- Coming in at the end...
- Compiling a list of authors/illustrators at conventions
- congratulations to Tanya Lee Stone -- perfect capstone to our discussion of NF
- Context to multiculturalism and diversity
- continuing the discussion
- Coretta Scott King Award
- Correction: Who threw that stone?
- Courage Has No Color/If I Ever Get Out of Here
- critical thinking
- CSK on the 2014 ALSC Notable Children's Books List
- Cultures and books as bridges OR If beautiful, not true, If true, not beautiful
- Digital Storytelling and Diversity
- Discography for IF I EVER GET OUT OF HERE
- Diversity
- Diversity and Color palette in African American award winning books (an nerd exercise)
- Diversity in Children's Nonfiction
- Diversity in Publishing with Quill Shift, by Lyn Miller-Lachmann
- Diversity Initiatives
- Ebony's comment (well said)
- Ebony's email
- Electronic versus hardcopy books (clarification)
- February Discussion: Multicultural Literature
- for Mr. Tingle
- Fwd: "Marginal" Awards - Trade-offs
- Fwd: Blind spots
- Fwd: Jason's post re social media, and a question about invisibility
- Fwd: Multicultural books discussion
- Fwd: Multicultural literature, minus some?
- Hannah Gomez/CBC Diversity
- How I Became a Ghost
- How I Became a Ghost: Stereotypes
- How I made every exhibitor at ALA Midwinter uncomfortable
- How To Become A Ghost
- HS librarian question for Gansworth
- Identity and forecasting
- Identity, Diversity, Multicultralism, Forecasting and Recommendatiosn
- If I ever get back/Cheryl Klein/encouraging writers
- If I Ever Get Out of Here
- In/visibility and If I Ever Get Out of Here
- Inclusion
- Interesting blog post on Black History in YA (and MG)
- Introduction and comment on conventions
- jake (of MINN AND JAKE), multicultural poetry, and the NBGS annual list
- Jane Addams Children's Book Award
- Jason's post re social media, and a question about invisibility
- Latino children's books, multiculturalism, awards, etc.
- Library Book Fair
- Library Book Fair Posts
- List of books by Native authors
- List of Native Authors
- List of recommended books about the Arab World
- Listen to Eric Gansworth introduce "If I Ever Get Out of Here"
- Lists
- Little House connections
- Little House Informs/Inspires Vietnamese Author
- Little House Informs/Inspires Vietnamese Author)
- Look's Alvlin Ho response (or lack of an adequate one)
- Making Choices
- Marketing, Ideology and Parental Concerns
- May issue of SLJ devoted to diversity
- Military Theme in If I Ever Get Out of Here
- More on Multicultural Literature
- Moving toward a balance of stories, embracing the discourse of difference & emancipating the imagination (long)
- Multicolor publishing
- Multicultural Children's Book Day
- Multicultural Discussion
- multicultural lit - minus some?
- multicultural literacy
- Multicultural Literature
- Multicultural Literature - Causal Directionality
- Multicultural Literature, continued
- Multicultural publihisng
- Multicultural publihsing
- Multicultural publishing
- Multicultural Statistics for 2013
- Multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism and bridging the gap
- Multiculturalism and Definitions of Fairness
- Multiculturalism and the unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty
- Multiculturalism and the unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty (sigh)
- Multiculturalism and the unending adventure/activism
- Multiculturalism in children's lit and media: Racebending Disney's FROZEN - and critiques of our field/industry from the outside
- multiculture
- Native authors/Native books
- New exhibit at Penn Museum in Philadelphia
- New YA Poetry: Angst!
- next round of research and numbers
- Norma Jean's post in "Bitterness and purity" thread
- notables and the coretta scott King
- On B&N--what kids think
- On to Week 4 in the Discussion of Diversity
- OT - though still on race, identity, and kinship
- Parsing the Numbers
- pause -- another crucial issue in this discussion
- Positive Developments
- Purity
- Question about matriarchy for Mr. Tingle
- Question for Tim
- Question for Tim Tingle
- Question for Tim Tingle about selecting illustrators
- Question for Tim Tingle-Bone Pickers in How I Became a Ghost
- Questions for Eric Gansworth
- Questions for Eric Gansworth?
- RE multicultural lit - minus some?
- Really "Marginal" Awards?
- Reflections on the discussion
- Rejecting Stereotypes at New York Times
- Remainders of the diversity conversation
- Resending (Just wondering about market)
- Salutations!
- Sarah's question about activism
- Snowmonsters
- stereotypes and teaching
- Storytelling in Print
- Supporting Independent Bookstores
- Sweet Little Old Ladies
- The RoadRunner Press: CCBC list post
- This amazing conversation
- This goes back to discussion perhaps before Tim Tingle
- Three more thoughts on discovering and growing the numbers of diverse books
- Tim TIngle
- Tim Tingle and How I Became a Ghost: A Choctaw Trail of Tears Story
- Tim Tingle birthdate
- Tim Tingle's books
- Tim Tingle's work
- Tim Tingle's work/ Jason's post re social media, and a question about invisibility
- Tingle/Gansworth
- Twitter chat w First Nations authors, Tuesday
- Tying IF I EVER back to our previous discussion . . .
- Tying IF I EVER back to our previous discussion...
- Uma's post about Gansworth's book/List of books by Native writers
- Up for Discussion: How I Became a Ghost
- Use of language(s) in How I Became a Ghost
- Using Multicultural Literature
- VCFA Scholarship for Students of Color or Ethnic Minority
- Wait, Stop, Halt
- Week Two: From Quantitative to Qualitative
- Week Two: From Quantitative to Qualitative/offer
- Welcome Tim Tingle!
- Who through that stone?
- Zetta Elliot on Diversity/Edith Campbell's interview of Eric Gansworth
- Last message date: Fri 28 Feb 2014 11:00:58 PM CST
- Archived on: Fri 02 Jan 2015 04:18:21 PM CST CST