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RE: for Mr. Tingle

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 13:59:30 -0600 (CST)

First apologies: am just learning how to post....
  Debbie's earlier comment on Native people in the U.S. being invisible hits right at why our press is committed to publishing books, like Tim's How I Became A Ghost at The RoadRunner Press.
  A summer or two ago I was listening to NPR and one of their main anchors was interviewing a number of American Indian chairmen/chiefs/presidents in D.C. for a big meeting. The trio of chairmen on the program insisted Native people in the U.S. were the most discriminated of minorities. I remember the interviewer sounded shocked and said something akin to, When is the last time you heard about a hate crime against an American Indian? But the chairmen persisted, We are the most discriminated because we are simply ignored.
  The dearth of stories / books being published by Native writers or about Native topics supports the chairmen's statement. And Tim is right the outrage is even greater when one realizes that each tribe or Nation has its own culture/stories/history to share. And the need is not fed by simply covering one Nation's story and ignoring the rest.
  Jeanne, Editor, The RoadRunner Press
-----Original Message----- From: "Norma Jean Sawicki" <> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:08am To: Subject: [ccbc-net] for Mr. Tingle

Thank you ever so much….I appreciate your generosity in agreeing to take questions, and participate in this discussion which I look forward to following…

A question…In your editor/publisher's terrific posting about you/your work, she said when material requires an illustrator, they look for, and invite an illustrator from the same tribe as the author to illustrate the work. Is it believed an illustrator from the same tribe will have an emotional attachment to, and an understanding of the work that an illustrator from another tribe may not necessarily have? Many thanks…Norma Jean
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Received on Wed 19 Feb 2014 01:59:49 PM CST