CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Multicultural Statistics for 2013

From: K.T. Horning <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 09:18:29 -0600

Roxanne, we haven't compiled these sorts of stats for all of 2013, but I did compile them back in July, originally in response to Roger Sutton's question asking how many books are about animal characters. At that time, we found:

> Of the 1509 books published in 2013 that we have received so far, 1183
> (or 78.3%) are about human beings. If we subtract the 326 books about
> nonhuman characters from the overall total and just figure the
> percentages of books about people of color among the books with human
> characters only, we still get a fairly dismal number: of the 1183
> books published so far in 2013 about human beings, 124 of those books
> feature people of color. That's 10.48%. We're only half way through
> the publishing year and the fall season is usually the heaviest, but
> it still looks like we are on track for yet another year of stagnation.

I further broke this down by genre in the same blog post posted back in July. You can read the whole post here:

A follow-up post analyzed the same numbers in terms of authorship. I linked to it yesterday, but will repeat the link here, in case anyone is interested:

Although this is just for half a year, I hope you'll feel it's a big enough sampling to be helpful.


On 2/4/2014 8:56 AM, Roxanne Feldman wrote:
> (Sorry if you received this twice -- the mail was returned to me due
> to large quoted text...)
> And to repeat my question from yesterday: K.T., do you have stats for
> 2013 books that are not ethnicity specific/oriented? Or, perhaps
> stats for white characters? And are we assuming that 2986 (93%) books
> are written by white authors?
> <>

Kathleen T. Horning
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
4290 Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park St
Madison, WI 53706
608-263-3721 (phone)
608-262-4933 (fax)
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Received on Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:24:56 AM CST