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May issue of SLJ devoted to diversity

From: Melissa Techman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 15:37:40 +0000 Scroll to the bottom to see Kathy Ishizuka's request for ideas, etc. She is SLJ's executive editor and an inspiration : ) Melissa

Melissa Techman, MLS, NBCT School Librarian Broadus Wood Elem School 185 Buck Mtn Rd Earlysville, Va 22936 434-973-3865

Twitter, Pinterest, Diigo, Symbaloo: mtechman

From: Diversity in YA <<>> Date: Monday, February 10, 2014 10:33 AM To: "<>" <<>> Subject: [ccbc-net] Introduction and comment on conventions

Hello everyone on CCBC-Net! I just wanted to introduce myself as I'm a new listmember. I'm Malinda Lo, and while I'm an author (<>) I joined this list in my capacity as co-founder of Diversity in YA (hence my email address). I heard about this discussion on diversity from many people who blogged about it publicly, and I'm still going through the February archives to familiarize myself with what's already been discussed. It's been great to see the depth of the discussion.

I wanted to chime in on a couple of things before I go back to the archives.

1. Conventions -- I love that someone suggested asking publishers at convention booths about the diversity of their offerings. I've been doing this since 2011 when we (Cindy Pon and I) launched Diversity in YA. Let me tell you, that first year I got a lot of blank stares. I've been to several ALAs, NCTEs, and BEAs since then, and my question has gotten increasingly better responses. Generally speaking, people who work at publishers' booths do not know how to answer me, but more and more of them do. I've definitely noticed a (slight) improvement. I think the greater discussion about diversity throughout children's and YA over the past few years has in no doubt contributed to this improvement.

2. If any of you are interested in finding new young adult books with POC, LGBT, and/or disabled main characters and you don't already know about DiYA, you might check us out. We're on tumblr (<>) and on a regular website (<>). Every month we list all the new diverse YA releases we can find. We also do a ton of other things, but that's a start.

I look forward to the continuing discussion!

Malinda Lo Co-founder, Diversity in YA<> Diversity in YA - Puttin' a little diversity in ya since 2011.

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Received on Mon 10 Feb 2014 09:38:02 AM CST