- 100% satisfactory shopping! 2010.
- 2011 Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) Research Grant
- A is for Anansi
- Abena Annan
- an obvious nonfiction book goof - THIS is why research is important!
- Apology about the Spam
- Book title, anyone?
- ccbc-net digest: October 11, 2010
- ccbc-net digest: October 12, 2010
- ccbc-net digest: October 14, 2010
- Double Standards
- Fwd: Americas Award presentation, October 23, Library of Congress
- Google is the new nonfiction
- Graphic Novels
- Hunting
- Hunting in Craighead George's BUFFALO ARE BACK
- I.N.K.
- In response to gays and suicide...
- Jane Addams Awards Event: Oct. 15 _at_ 2:30 pm in NYC
- Just under a week until THE LOST HERO...
- Kathleen Krull: 2011 Children's Book Guild Nonfiction Award Winner
- Memorial for Stu Hample
- more nonfiction
- News from the Children's Book Guild of Washington, D.C.
- Nominate your favorite book!
- Non-fiction
- non-fiction word count and age groups
- Nonfiction
- nonfiction and battle book clubs
- Nonfiction and Intent
- Nonfiction books
- nonfiction continued
- nonfiction sourcing
- Nonfiction, teenagers, popularity
- Not Nonfiction
- Notable Non-Fiction
- Notable Nonfiction
- Off Topic: CCBC-Net Policies
- OKI Children's Literature Conference, Crestview Hills, KY
- PEN posts conversations with children's and young adult book authors
- Picture Book Art exhibit at Brooklyn Public Library
- Printz Award books for teens: Digital trailers
- Professional Responsibility
- Reminder CLC Fall Gala Coming Soon
- Request for Bibliography
- Sheboygan Children's Book Festival Oct. 15-17
- Some favorite NF titles
- Source documentation in children's nonfiction
- Source Material
- Source Note, Nonfiction, the GN perplex
- Source Notes and citations
- Source Notes and Nonfiction
- sources and citation and indexes
- Sources/citation - reply to Nancy and Nancy
- sourcing and citation
- sourcing and citation -- the rules have changed
- The Brown Bookshelf and One Million Men and Me virtual tour
- The missing issue
- Using nonfiction with students
- Variety of Nonfiction
- videos rather than books
- why citations matter
- Last message date: Wed 27 Oct 2010 12:50:46 PM CDT
- Archived on: Fri 02 Jan 2015 04:18:21 PM CST CST