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Re: Source Notes and Nonfiction

From: Meghan McCarthy <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 14:37:51 -0700 (PDT)

"I am fortunate in that I write longer books and for publishers who have always been generous in giving me as much space as I need for notes. And, yes, the 32 page format is unyielding -- there is simply no way to add another page. But, that said, I would suspect that there is generally enough white space on a copyright page to at least list attributions for quotations and other needed source citations."

I don't know about other PB authors but I'm not allowed to put other stuff on the copyright and title page besides the title and the copyright information. There are rules to formatting a book an I just can't break them. I have even asked if I can put info on the endpages but was told that I could not. This was turned down because I was told that librarians like to stick cards and things on the back of the book and it would cover the information.

Now I know how seriously some people take things and I will bring this information to my editors. I will say that you can't please everyone and that's another lesson that I must learn. Nomatter what an author does someone is going to find something wrong with some part of the book. It's inevitable. The children are the most important part of the equation. If the book is over their heads or is boring then who cares how much backmatter is in there or how well it's done. There's too much dry nonfiction out there.

Received on Thu 21 Oct 2010 02:37:51 PM CDT