CCBC-Net Archives


From: Elisabeth LeBris <>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 08:26:06 -0500

My library is a K-8 public school center. Non-fiction is enormously popular and we never discourage any student from checking out whatever they like. With our younger students we do promote that at least one selection be "a just right book" in terms of readability. We are always teaching that finding what you really need and enjoy is part of using the library well no matter what your original goal. Some always popular titles are the "You wouldn't want to be" series; most of our graphic non-fiction mostly found in science and history; all the sports books, boys and girls alike, and in the last year or so the cook books. There are many wonderful new cook books. Not so long ago I couldn't find any that weren't part of a cultural point of view. Thank you Food network! We have found that the reading comprehension strategies that are taught in class and by us in the library work perfectly for fixation and non-fiction. It's a matter of application and emphasis. This common language has only served to help our stude nts better enjoy/use the selections they make. Reading is reading and today's quality non-fiction reaches and enriches many of our readers, emergent and otherwise.

Elisabeth LeBris Sears School LTC Kenilworth, il Sent from my iPad

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Received on Fri 08 Oct 2010 08:26:06 AM CDT