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Sources/citation - reply to Nancy and Nancy

From: Debbie Reese <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:27:07 -0500

Thank you---Nancy Thalia Reynolds---for sharing

info on an author's knowledge/experience in citing, indexing, and contracts... Lots of useful info to ponder. You posed an excellent question. When there is so much superficiality, how will change occur? Part of that responsibility lies with us (the consumers). If we buy, for example, THE BUFFALO ARE BACK, do we signal that we're willing to spend our money on a flawed product? Course, you have to know its flawed in the first place. And, what constitutes "flawed" differs from one person to the next. Nancy Bo Flood's assessment of BUFFALO ARE BACK, is a lot different from mine.

I haven't read Bruchac's book (BUFFALO SONG) but will do that. I looked at reviews and see that he does refer to Native efforts to sustain buffalo in the 1800s (something Craighead George did not do).


Visit my Internet resource: American Indians in Children's Literature

Debbie A. Reese (Nambй O'-ween-ge') Assistant Professor, American Indian Studies University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Native American House, Room 2005 1204 West Nevada Street, MC-138 Urbana, Illinois 61801

Email: TEL 217-265-9885 FAX 217-265-9880
Received on Tue 19 Oct 2010 06:27:07 AM CDT