CCBC-Net Archives

Google is the new nonfiction

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:21:55 +0000

To all, When I worked as a children's book editor, I kept a shelf in my office where I collected all the wonderful new nonfiction books that my infant children would need when they were older. Beautifully illustrated books from Dorling Kindersley, from Usborne, from Scholastic. Plus, Lincoln: A Photobiography, Ben Franklin's Almanac, a million science fair project books, and more. When my children were old enough to need these books, I finally brought them home. And guess what? They never looked at or used a single one. They only wanted information that they could find easily online. And currently they only read nonfiction if a teacher assigns them a book. As a children's book author, editor, and library school student, I am disappointed. I'm glad that teachers and librarians still buy these books, but I don't see the kids flocking to them. Best wishes -- Greg Holch (Library School Student -- Palmer School/LIU)
Received on Tue 12 Oct 2010 07:21:55 PM CDT