- "His Dark Materials" trilogy
- 2000 Americas Award winners/commended list
- [CCBC-Net] "His Dark Materials" trilogy
- [CCBC-Net] Amber Spyglass Audiobook
- [CCBC-Net] characters' feelings
- [CCBC-Net] His Dark Materials: Let's Begin!
- [CCBC-Net] Interview with David Fickling
- [CCBC-Net] Lee Scoresby
- [CCBC-Net] The Golden Compass
- [CCBC-Net] Trite ending
- [CCBC-Net] VERY dark materials
- A couple of things more about Pullman
- ahoy
- ALA Program
- Ammendment to previous post "VERY Dark Materials"
- announcement
- Announcement: ALSC Book Discussion at ALA Annual
- Announcement: Peter Sis ITV continuing education class
- Announcement: Southeast Asian Studies Workshop for Teachers
- Appraisal: New Format for a Journal about Science Literature
- audio enjoyment of His Dark Materials
- ccbc-net digest 4 May 2001
- CCBC-Net Discussions: May - August, 2001
- Comparisions to Pullman
- Conference
- Dark Materials
- dog tales
- Dramatizing children's books
- Finally some spark
- Golden Compass
- HDM and Lee Scoresby
- His Dark Materials
- His Dark Materials: Let's Begin!
- His Dark Materials: Pullman's Style
- I Was A Rat!
- I Was a Rat! by Philip Pullman
- Interview with David Fickling
- Journal of Children's Literature
- Lee Scoresby
- Marc Simont
- Marc Simont: The Illusion of Ease
- Mechanics and basket cases
- more thoughts on HDM
- new website
- Not too dark for me
- Not Totally Convinced
- PEN Program: Young Person as a Book's Main Character
- Peter Sis Distance Education Opportunity in July
- Pullman
- Pullman's Trilogy
- Report on Homepage virus
- Some ponderings on those materials
- The Finale
- The Golden Compass
- The Small Worlds of Peter Sis
- thoughts about the Amber Spyglass
- Toy Theater Alice
- Trite Endings and Romance
- VERY dark materials
- Winding Down "His Dark Materials"
- Last message date: Mon 07 May 2001 04:09:55 PM CDT
- Archived on: Fri 02 Jan 2015 04:18:20 PM CST CST