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His Dark Materials

From: Sharon Grover <sgrover>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 22:05:27 -0500

My review copy of the Listening Library audio edition of The Amber Spyglass came recently and, rather than plug in right in, I decided to start from the beginning and listen to the entire trilogy. I am struck again by the power of Pullman's skill with language, his ability to create new worlds and characters who seem so real.

And, if you have not allowed yourself the pleasure of these remarkable, full?st performances, I urge you to check them out. These are audio productions at their finest. Pullman is an incredible narrator and the actors bring his characters fully to life. Yes, Jonathan, the cliff-hangers in The Golden Compass really pull the reader (or, in this case, the listener) right along, but the tension in The Subtle Knife is exquisitely heightened in the audio edition.

These are much more than a cure for D.C. area traffic. I can't wait to hear The Amber Spyglass.

Sharon Grover Arlington County (VA) Library
Received on Tue 29 May 2001 10:05:27 PM CDT