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From: Pat Austin <paustin>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 19:43:41 -0500
The Journal of Children?s Literature CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS
Please forgive cross-posting between listservs. I just want to get the word out to as many educators as possible.
Themed Issue: Reader-Response Theory Spring 2002
Deadline for manuscript submissions: August 15, 2001
Response to books is personal and sometimes private; after all, reading is most often a solitary act. Yet evoking a reader?s response is at the heart of sharing literature. Much has been written about classroom strategies to engender response when teachers either facilitate discussion with students or provide the opportunity for students to interact with one another without intervention. More and more is being written about other forms of response including journals, reader?s theater, and artistic response. Whenever our methodology is frequently validated in our field, we must take stock and question: are we getting complacent in our understanding of what we know about reader response theory? Are we getting caught up in the jargon of ?literature circles? and ?book clubs?? Are we engaging in these activities because
?they are the thing to do,? or do we have a firm grasp of the philosophic roots of literature as communication?
We invite writers to consider classroom transactions between teachers and students, parent/ child interaction as they share literature, responses that teachers have as readers, and transactions between children?s authors and the readers of their work. In the interest of responsiveness, we invite writers to submit pieces in alternative formats -- in poetry, in story, or in dialogue as well as the more traditional formats of research articles and expository prose.
Guidelines for Submission
Manuscripts should not exceed twenty double-spaced, typed pages. Use APA format. Author?s name, mailing address, telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address, and school/professional affiliation should be on a separate cover page. The author?s name or any reference that would enable a reviewer to know who the author is should not appear on the manuscript. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two members of the editorial board. Decisions will usually be made within four months of submission. If accepted, author(s) need to provide a computer disk copy of the manuscript, preferably in Microsoft Word. Send six copies of the manuscript and a self?dressed, stamped envelope to:
Patricia Austin, Co?itor University of New Orleans Department of Curriculum & Instruction New Orleans, LA 70148
Received on Thu 31 May 2001 07:43:41 PM CDT
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 19:43:41 -0500
The Journal of Children?s Literature CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS
Please forgive cross-posting between listservs. I just want to get the word out to as many educators as possible.
Themed Issue: Reader-Response Theory Spring 2002
Deadline for manuscript submissions: August 15, 2001
Response to books is personal and sometimes private; after all, reading is most often a solitary act. Yet evoking a reader?s response is at the heart of sharing literature. Much has been written about classroom strategies to engender response when teachers either facilitate discussion with students or provide the opportunity for students to interact with one another without intervention. More and more is being written about other forms of response including journals, reader?s theater, and artistic response. Whenever our methodology is frequently validated in our field, we must take stock and question: are we getting complacent in our understanding of what we know about reader response theory? Are we getting caught up in the jargon of ?literature circles? and ?book clubs?? Are we engaging in these activities because
?they are the thing to do,? or do we have a firm grasp of the philosophic roots of literature as communication?
We invite writers to consider classroom transactions between teachers and students, parent/ child interaction as they share literature, responses that teachers have as readers, and transactions between children?s authors and the readers of their work. In the interest of responsiveness, we invite writers to submit pieces in alternative formats -- in poetry, in story, or in dialogue as well as the more traditional formats of research articles and expository prose.
Guidelines for Submission
Manuscripts should not exceed twenty double-spaced, typed pages. Use APA format. Author?s name, mailing address, telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address, and school/professional affiliation should be on a separate cover page. The author?s name or any reference that would enable a reviewer to know who the author is should not appear on the manuscript. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two members of the editorial board. Decisions will usually be made within four months of submission. If accepted, author(s) need to provide a computer disk copy of the manuscript, preferably in Microsoft Word. Send six copies of the manuscript and a self?dressed, stamped envelope to:
Patricia Austin, Co?itor University of New Orleans Department of Curriculum & Instruction New Orleans, LA 70148
Received on Thu 31 May 2001 07:43:41 PM CDT