TAAR Transition from Arithmetic to Algebraic Reasoning
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Papers, Reports & Publications

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  • Asquith, P., Stephens, A., Grandau, L., Knuth, E. & Alibali, M.W. (2007). Middle school mathematics teachers' knowledge of students' understanding of core algegraic concepts: equal sign and variable. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 9(3), 249-272. [Download PDF]

  • Asquith, P., Stephens, A., Grandau, L., Knuth, E. & Alibali, M.W. (2005). Investigating middle-school teachers’ perceptions of algebraic thinking. Paper presented at the American Educational Research
    Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. [Download PDF]

  • Grandau, L. & Stephens, A.C. (2006). Algebraic thinking and geometry. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 11(7), 344-349. [Download PDF]

  • Knuth, E., Alibali, M., McNeil, N., Weinberg, A., & Stephens, A. (2005). Middle school students' understanding of core algebraic concepts: Equality & variable. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik [International Reviews on Mathematical Education], 37, 68-76. [Download PDF]

  • Knuth, E., Stephens, A., McNeil, N., & Alibali, M. (2006). Does understanding the equal sign matter? Evidence from solving equations. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 37(4), 297-312. [Download PDF]

  • McNeil, N., Grandau, L, Knuth, E., Alibali, M., Stephens, A., Hattikudur, S., & Krill, D. (2006). Middle-school students' understanding of the equal sign: The books they read can't help. Cognition & Instruction, 24(3), 367-385. [Download PDF]

  • Stephens, A.C. (2005). Developing students' understandings of variable. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 11(2), 96-100. [Download PDF]

  • Stephens, A. C., Grandau, L., Asquith, P., Knuth, E. J., & Alibali, M. W. (2004). Developing teachers' attention to students' algebraic thinking. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA. [Download PDF]

  • Weinberg, A., Stephens, A. C., McNeil, N. M., Krill, D. E., Knuth, E. J., & Alibali, M. W. (2004). Students' initial and developing conceptions of variables. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA. [Download PDF]


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