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This class syllabus page includes assignments, calendar, & scheduled activities. Art 908 - Art/Spirit Leslee Nelson 723 Lowell Hall 610 Langdon Street Office Hours: by appointment 608) 263-7814 |
1. Creative Project - 35% of grade
Choose your due date: Nov. 28 or Dec. 1 or 8
Creative project proposal due Oct. 14
You will (individually or as a group) create at least one artwork, or creativeproject
responding to materials in class and make a 10 minute presentation to the class,
describing your concept and process.
"We must recognize and nurture the creative parts of each other without always understanding what will be created." - Audre Lorde p .173, Sister Outsider
2. Research Presentation - 35% of grade
Choose your due date: Oct. 21, 28 or Nov. 4, 11 or 18 Select artist by Sept30.
Select artist, research in library, interview if possible, find ormake slides
or visual aids, make a 15-20 minute presentation to class, includewritten bibliography
of your sources.
3. Class Participation - 30% of grade
Consistant attendance and participationin class discussions. It's so much more
valuable and fun when everyone talks!note: One lecture or exhibit attendance
and class make up report due foreach missed class.
4. Extra Credit available - talk to Leslee.
Don Reitz's advice to art students:
"Art is not like sports, where there's an automatic degree of difficulty and you're supposed to get better and better as you practice more and more. Listen to yourselves. Don't worry about failure -- failure and success are really two sides of the same thing, except failure teaches you something."
- September 2 --Introduction, overview
- September 8 --"Who we are, How spirit influences your artwork"
- Bring your artwork and written statement for each class
- September 16 --Discussion
- September 23 --Guest Artist
- September 30 --(Select artist for research)
- October 7 --Discussion
- October 14 -- (creative project proposal due)
- October 21-- Student Research Presentations
- October 28 --Student Research Presentations
- November 4 --Student Research Presentations
- November 11 --Student Research Presentations
- November 18 --Student Research Presentations
- November 25 --Art Critique (Thanksgiving)
- December 1 --Art Critique
- December 8 --Art Critique
- December 15 --Finale!!
Class Activities to be scheduled:
- Visit Kohler Library: Reference room tour and/or Artist Book viewing
- Media Center: "How to take slides --using copy stand or your artwork