CCBC-Net Archives

Final call for Questions for Gene Luen Yang about Boxers and Saints

From: Emily Townsend <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 13:59:21 -0600

Hi, everyone,

Sorry for the crunched time. We've had to condense the discussions a bit this month due to to busy nature of Thanksgiving at the end of the month. We do, though, have especially amazing opportunities this month for thorough and nuanced discussion with guest authors, Gene Luen Yang and Cece Bell, answering questions for us.

If you haven't yet posted a question for Gene Luen Yang and would like to, please do soon. Or, if you prefer, you can email questions to me directly. We will forward questions to him this afternoon.

Thanks! Emily

Emily Townsend, Librarian
Cooperative Children's Book Center
School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Room 401 Teacher Education
225 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI  53706
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Received on Tue 18 Nov 2014 02:00:29 PM CST