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Graphic novels
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From: Mary Cronk Farrell <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:11:45 -0800
Hello, I am mostly a lurker here, but wanted to jump in and say I agree with Lisa K. And like your idea, Alyson. To me this is a very exciting development in young people's lit, but also amazing potential as an art form. As for what we should call it--I typed graphic into my phone to write this email, and it auto suggested "novel". So I think it's a done deal. :) Mary
Mary Cronk Farrell Pure Grit: How American WWII Nurses Survived Battle & Prison Camp in the Pacific
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Received on Tue 18 Nov 2014 11:12:01 AM CST
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:11:45 -0800
Hello, I am mostly a lurker here, but wanted to jump in and say I agree with Lisa K. And like your idea, Alyson. To me this is a very exciting development in young people's lit, but also amazing potential as an art form. As for what we should call it--I typed graphic into my phone to write this email, and it auto suggested "novel". So I think it's a done deal. :) Mary
Mary Cronk Farrell Pure Grit: How American WWII Nurses Survived Battle & Prison Camp in the Pacific
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Received on Tue 18 Nov 2014 11:12:01 AM CST