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Re: Graphic "Novels"
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From: Sharron L. Mcelmeel <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:49:39 -0600
Dear All, It seems to me that "graphic novel" has become a format and is a term that is used regardless of genre. I encourage my graduate lit students to adopt that usage -- much as "picture book" might be non-fiction, fiction, poetry or whatever -- it is still a picture book. Works for me. Sharron
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:49:39 -0600
Dear All, It seems to me that "graphic novel" has become a format and is a term that is used regardless of genre. I encourage my graduate lit students to adopt that usage -- much as "picture book" might be non-fiction, fiction, poetry or whatever -- it is still a picture book. Works for me. Sharron
-- Sharron L. McElmeel Instructor University of Wisconsin - Stout RDGED 703 Children's Literature in the Reading Program RDGED 704 Young Adult Literature in the Reading Program Home _at_ Cedar Rapids IOWA e-mail: phone: (319) 393-2562 (in CST zone) ==== CCBC-Net Use ==== You are currently subscribed to ccbc-net as: To post to the list, send message to... To receive messages in digest format, send a blank message to... To unsubscribe, send a blank message to... ==== CCBC-Net Archives ==== The CCBC-Net archives are available to all CCBC-Net listserv members. The archives are organized by month and year. A list of discussion topics (including month/year) is available at... To access the archives, go to... ...and enter the following when prompted... username: ccbc-net password: Look4PostsReceived on Mon 17 Nov 2014 06:50:11 PM CST