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Graphic Novels. & Margaret Hillert

From: J Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 07:54:08 -0500

As a school librarian ---- elementary kindergarten through fifth grade I have an extensive collection of graphic novels. The children love the Toon series of books (for younger) & Baby Mouse and Squish series by Matt & Jennifer Holm my boys love the Bone series and the Amulet series!! One can not forget Sara Varon!!!: Bake Sale, Robot Dreams and her Chicken and Cat series... Dan Santat's Sidekicks, and Jarrett's
 Lunch Lady Series....and what about The Three Thieves series by Scott Chantler???? Very popular in my school They devour the graphic novels by Matt Phelan Shannon, Dean Hale and Nathan Hale The list could go on and on and also one cannot forget Zita the Space girl series both boys and girls love this series- and there is the Jedi Academy. Graphic novels are a great steppingstone into reading of other types of books especially for my boys!!!!

So sorry to hear about Margaret HilIert .....still have books written by her in my library the easy to read series Three Bears Three Pigs Cinderella at the Ball classic books that are great for beginning readers they are oldies but goodies they're still in good shape and they still circulate!!!! Desiree Threadgill Librarian Downingtown Schools, Pennsylvania

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Received on Wed 12 Nov 2014 06:54:19 AM CST