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Truly Scary

From: Merri Lindgren <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:44:50 -0500

A long-time fan of horror, I clearly remember my frustration in trying to locate books at the library as an elementary school age reader, but mostly finding things that were mildly scary at best. As we've been discussing, there's a range of tolerance among all readers when it comes to scary books and I think as adults we often (understandably) skew to the conservative side when evaluating and recommending titles for children with a fright factor. But given my own preference and knowing it's shared by some children and teens, I am delighted when I come across a new well-written book that doesn't soft-pedal the scary elements.

A few years ago I added the graphic novel *Anya's Ghost* (by Vera Brosgol) to my list of scary books when Emily, a ghost who initially seems benign, if a bit pushy, is revealed as a deeply deceptive and malevolent force threatening Anya's family. I love the way the story starts out mildly enough, but then escalates the tension and suspense as it becomes increasingly dark with the gradual revelation of Emily's true intentions. *The Replacement* (by Brenna Yovanoff) offers an excellent cemetery scene including a disinterred body, in its story of a teenage changeling who sets out to challenge the dark faerie tradition of exchanging a human baby for one of its own every seven years. The book also wins points for its jacket image of sharp metal implements dangling like a macabre mobile over a baby buggy.

This month's discussion has brought up *Coraline* and *Scowler*, among others. Are there some more truly scary titles to share?


Merri Lindgren, Librarian
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
School of Education / UW-Madison
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Received on Wed 15 Oct 2014 04:45:26 PM CDT