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Reading Pictures event in NYC
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From: Starr Latronica <>
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 18:17:27 -0400
If you are in New York City on Monday, December 8th, please join us for READING PICTURES at the Society of Illustrators. Our speakers this year are celebrated children’s book illustrators E.B. Lewis, Barbara McClintock, and Melissa Sweet.
* Reading Pictures 2014*
The Artist’s Voice and Vocabulary in Picture Books
When: Monday, December 8th 2pm - 8pm
Where: Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd Street NYC
Three children’s book illustrators will share their behind-the-scenes decisions and discuss their creative process. Art Directors from major children’s publishers will lead a gallery tour of the *Original Art Exhibit
*for a close-up examination of the works on view.
The speakers’ recent books will be available for purchase.
*Tickets are $30* for presentations, gallery talk, tour, and small plates buffet supper.
Special bonus! All ticket holders will receive a copy of the exhibition catalog (value $10)
For more information and to register visit
Attendance is limited, and this event sold out quickly last year, so don't delay!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you there.
Starr LaTronica Youth Services/Outreach Manager Four County Library System 304 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850
(607)723-8236 Ext. 350
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Received on Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:18:24 PM CDT
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 18:17:27 -0400
If you are in New York City on Monday, December 8th, please join us for READING PICTURES at the Society of Illustrators. Our speakers this year are celebrated children’s book illustrators E.B. Lewis, Barbara McClintock, and Melissa Sweet.
* Reading Pictures 2014*
The Artist’s Voice and Vocabulary in Picture Books
When: Monday, December 8th 2pm - 8pm
Where: Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd Street NYC
Three children’s book illustrators will share their behind-the-scenes decisions and discuss their creative process. Art Directors from major children’s publishers will lead a gallery tour of the *Original Art Exhibit
*for a close-up examination of the works on view.
The speakers’ recent books will be available for purchase.
*Tickets are $30* for presentations, gallery talk, tour, and small plates buffet supper.
Special bonus! All ticket holders will receive a copy of the exhibition catalog (value $10)
For more information and to register visit
Attendance is limited, and this event sold out quickly last year, so don't delay!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you there.
Starr LaTronica Youth Services/Outreach Manager Four County Library System 304 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850
(607)723-8236 Ext. 350
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Received on Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:18:24 PM CDT