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Re: Little Roja Riding Hood: Observations
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From: K.T. Horning <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:06:40 -0500
I enjoyed reading Megan, Emily, and Ginny's observations about Little Roja, and am eager to hear what Susan has to say in response. Emily mentioned the images of technology in the book. I hadn't noticed until a fourth or fifth read through that Abuela has what appears to be a huge satellite dish atop her beautiful traditional El Rito house.
Ginny pointed out that Abuela seems to be editing something and, in her notes, Susan mentioned she was a romance writer. I had also noticed that Little Roja's mother is a romance reader. (Whether she is reading Abuela's books or the books of one of her competitors, only Susan knows.) And at the beginning of the book, even before the title page, Little Ro is retuning home with a basket of books on the back of her ATV, specifically fairy tales. All three seem to be very caught up in traditional literature. Perhaps that is why they are so good at meeting the challenge when a wolf comes calling.
It's also a lot of fun to see what the duendes are doing on every page to cause chaos. I hadn't noticed until about the fifth reading that they are doing all sorts of things to the wolf's disguise to help Abuela see that he's an imposter. So even when they are making mischief, they are part of the world that supports Little Roja.
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:06:40 -0500
I enjoyed reading Megan, Emily, and Ginny's observations about Little Roja, and am eager to hear what Susan has to say in response. Emily mentioned the images of technology in the book. I hadn't noticed until a fourth or fifth read through that Abuela has what appears to be a huge satellite dish atop her beautiful traditional El Rito house.
Ginny pointed out that Abuela seems to be editing something and, in her notes, Susan mentioned she was a romance writer. I had also noticed that Little Roja's mother is a romance reader. (Whether she is reading Abuela's books or the books of one of her competitors, only Susan knows.) And at the beginning of the book, even before the title page, Little Ro is retuning home with a basket of books on the back of her ATV, specifically fairy tales. All three seem to be very caught up in traditional literature. Perhaps that is why they are so good at meeting the challenge when a wolf comes calling.
It's also a lot of fun to see what the duendes are doing on every page to cause chaos. I hadn't noticed until about the fifth reading that they are doing all sorts of things to the wolf's disguise to help Abuela see that he's an imposter. So even when they are making mischief, they are part of the world that supports Little Roja.
-- */Please note: The CCBC has moved to Teacher Education, 225 N. Mills St. /* Kathleen T. Horning Director Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) 401 Teacher Education Building 225 N. Mills Street Madison, WI 53706 608-263-3721 (phone) 608-262-4933 (fax) ==== CCBC-Net Use ==== You are currently subscribed to ccbc-net as: To post to the list, send message to... To receive messages in digest format, send a blank message to... To unsubscribe, send a blank message to... ==== CCBC-Net Archives ==== The CCBC-Net archives are available to all CCBC-Net listserv members. The archives are organized by month and year. A list of discussion topics (including month/year) is available at... To access the archives, go to... ...and enter the following when prompted... username: ccbc-net password: Look4PostsReceived on Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:06:53 PM CDT