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Re: King for a Day

From: Kara Newhouse <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:22:40 -0400

I can't speak to whether educators may not incorporate books about Islam specifically, but I do know some teachers who are open to some of the LGBTQ books we've discussed previously but are afraid to have them in their classrooms, so I imagine that fear extends to other subject matters for some people. Aside from how aceepting/embracing the parents in the community are, the culture of the school building probably matters a lot. Is there a culture of fear or one of support for teachers' decisions, diversity and critical thinking?

*Kara Newhouse*
*Education Reporter*Lancaster Newspapers
(717) 481-6013
_at_KaraNewhouse <>
Faces of Mental Health Recovery Project <>
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Received on Sun 24 Aug 2014 03:23:00 PM CDT