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tie-in to book discussions

From: Helen Frost <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:46:31 -0400

I've just read Marilyn Nelson's new book, HOW I DISCOVERED POETRY, and found many connections with our recent book discussions. It is poetry, so there's that, of course; it takes place on military bases in the 50's and early 60's and has some echoes of IF I EVER GET OUT OF HERE; and I have great admiration for the way she handles racism and the questions of language that come up for writers, especially when writing about the past for contemporary audiences. Really a remarkable book in so many ways. (The age of the speaker in the poems goes from 4 to mid-teens, so it is also a great study in voice.)

Helen Frost
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Received on Wed 04 Jun 2014 09:46:57 PM CDT