CCBC-Net Archives

Te Reconciliation Generation -- a Lecture by Professor Naomi Caldwell April 10 _at_ 4pm

From: K.T. Horning <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:02:54 -0500

For those of you in the Madison area:

Please join us on Thursday April 10, 2014, to hear a lecture entitled
"The Reconciliation Generation: The Image of Indigenous Peoples in Media for Youth" by Professor Naomi Caldwell of Alabama state University.

The lecture will take place from 4:00-5:15, Room 4207 Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park Street.

I have attached a flier with more information.


Kathleen T. Horning
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
4290 Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park St
Madison, WI 53706
608-263-3721 (phone)
608-262-4933 (fax)
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(image/jpeg attachment: Cadwell.1.jpg)

Received on Wed 02 Apr 2014 01:04:38 PM CDT