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A subject for later? Teens, sexuality, and the culture of YA Lit
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From: Sarah Hamburg <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:53:27 -0400
I know that the conversation is currently focusing on The F-It List, and I don't want to interrupt or sidetrack that discussion! But I wondered if it would be possible to make space at some point, later, for another aspect of a larger consideration of issues related to sexuality and young adult literature.
I had somehow been unaware (maybe because I live in a little bit of a social media cave!) of the allegations regarding sexual abuse among members of the Nerdfighter community-- the fandom associated with John and Hank Green. I realize that this is another complicated, difficult and painful subject... and that their fandom is more peripherally related to young adult literature as a whole. Still, I think it has raised questions about the culture that surrounds young adult literature-- not just the culture depicted in the literature itself-- that seem important to address. Particularly as they relate to adults writing for and about teenagers (and for some, also creating real world spaces that include them) and the disparities in those powerful and power-filled relationships.
Again, I know this precise moment isn't the time, but just wanted to put a request to address this on the table.
Thank you!
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Received on Wed 26 Mar 2014 07:53:51 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:53:27 -0400
I know that the conversation is currently focusing on The F-It List, and I don't want to interrupt or sidetrack that discussion! But I wondered if it would be possible to make space at some point, later, for another aspect of a larger consideration of issues related to sexuality and young adult literature.
I had somehow been unaware (maybe because I live in a little bit of a social media cave!) of the allegations regarding sexual abuse among members of the Nerdfighter community-- the fandom associated with John and Hank Green. I realize that this is another complicated, difficult and painful subject... and that their fandom is more peripherally related to young adult literature as a whole. Still, I think it has raised questions about the culture that surrounds young adult literature-- not just the culture depicted in the literature itself-- that seem important to address. Particularly as they relate to adults writing for and about teenagers (and for some, also creating real world spaces that include them) and the disparities in those powerful and power-filled relationships.
Again, I know this precise moment isn't the time, but just wanted to put a request to address this on the table.
Thank you!
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Received on Wed 26 Mar 2014 07:53:51 AM CDT