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Re: Sexuality and Religion

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:29:03 +0000 (UTC)

Alison wrote:

I don't feel that it's just a question of religous perspectives and sexuality in Sarah's question - IIRC she was asking about books that were factually inaccurate, though accepted by some religions. I think that if a book is factually inaccurate, that's a reason to not add it to the collection. Other thoughts?

This question is giving me a lot of pause. My first instinct is the same as Alison's: if it's factually inaccurate, then no. And yet, I have books on palmistry, ESP, horoscopes, etc., that are hard to defend as factually accurate (although they are written by authors who believe that they are). This seems different to me somehow than a book that makes false claims about abortion, but I'm not sure exactly how to define this difference.

It does seem possible to me that, at least in a public library or even a very large high school library, it's arguable that in the religion section books with factual inaccuracies might be defensible purchases. However, in my small-ish middle school library, nearly all of my books on religion are objective/descriptive informational books, not prescriptive manuals on living a Christian (or any other kind of religious) life. In these objective kinds of books, factual accuracy is obviously an important criteria.

Maggie Bokelman Eagle View Middle School Librarian Mechanicsburg, PA

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Received on Mon 10 Mar 2014 09:29:23 PM CDT