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Re: sexuality and books in the curriculum

From: Monica Edinger <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:09:05 -0400

I hope this isn't wandering too off-topic, but this issue with assigned summer reading for school is something I've seen firsthand. That is, to assign a really terrific book that has challenging content that needs to be unpacked with a teacher in a classroom, not for a young person to read completely on his or her own during the summer. At my middle school new teachers came to a curriculum and, not wanting to teach a particular book during the school year, moved it to summer reading. The problem was that this book had some challenging material that absolutely needed to be discussed in class. When students encountered it on their own they were troubled and their parents, not having read the book, were not able to help, disturbed by what little they saw, and then complained. Since the teachers had no commitment to the book, it ended up being dropped. It is a shame because it is a wonderful book (okay, it was* Roll of Thunder Hear Me Cry*), but the teachers didn't "own" it, didn't seem to care for it, and so that was that.

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Received on Mon 10 Mar 2014 08:09:24 AM CDT