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Re: It's Perfectly Normal
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From: Debbie Reese <>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:22:56 -0600
Last month I was on Native America Calling (radio program) to talk about challenges to Alexie's book. The objections are due to its sexual content. In Montana, the Native parent community came out in large numbers and succeeded in keeping it on the shelves there.
His book is way up there on the list of banned/challenged books. You could easily find news stories. Here's one from Florida (and it references the challenge in NYC):
The comments you pointed us to, Ed, on It's Perfectly Normal on the KOIN news site Alyson pointed to... similar ones are on both, Amazon, and Goodreads. I agree. Twisted.
Debbie Reese, PhD Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo
Email: Twitter: debreese
Website: American Indians in Children's Literature
Now: Studying for MLIS at San Jose State University Then: Assistant Professor in American Indian Studies, University of Illinois
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Received on Fri 07 Mar 2014 05:23:31 AM CST
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:22:56 -0600
Last month I was on Native America Calling (radio program) to talk about challenges to Alexie's book. The objections are due to its sexual content. In Montana, the Native parent community came out in large numbers and succeeded in keeping it on the shelves there.
His book is way up there on the list of banned/challenged books. You could easily find news stories. Here's one from Florida (and it references the challenge in NYC):
The comments you pointed us to, Ed, on It's Perfectly Normal on the KOIN news site Alyson pointed to... similar ones are on both, Amazon, and Goodreads. I agree. Twisted.
Debbie Reese, PhD Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo
Email: Twitter: debreese
Website: American Indians in Children's Literature
Now: Studying for MLIS at San Jose State University Then: Assistant Professor in American Indian Studies, University of Illinois
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Received on Fri 07 Mar 2014 05:23:31 AM CST