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Re: Sex/books

From: Susanna Reich <>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:05:59 -0500

Thank you, Norma Jean, for posting about our sex and violence panel at the PEN World Voices Festival. For those who'd like to know more, the Festival website has gone live, but they haven't yet posted full information about all the events. What you see on the page are just some of the highlights. I'll make sure to share all the details in April.

I recently spoke on a Banned Books panel at the SCBWI Winter Conference with YA author Ellen Hopkins and Joan Bertin, Executive Director of the National Coalition Against Censorship. The SCBWI Conference Blog has links <> to notes about our comments. Scroll down and you'll find them on the right listed by our names. I've also posted a handout about Banned Books and Censorship on my website It's in the "Breaking News" box on the top right of the home page.

As most of you know, the ALA lists "sexually explicit material" as the
#1 reason for book challenges. In the first decade of this century there were 1,577 challenges for "sexually explicit material." PEN American Center's dual mission is to celebrate literature and defend free expression, and we join the ALA, NCAC, SCBWI, NCTE and other organizations in standing ready to assist librarians, authors and others who have to deal with book challenges and censorship. We know that librarians, especially, are on the front line, and personally, as an author, I have enormous admiration and respect for those who purchase controversial books and put them into kids' hands.

The single most important takeaway from the SCBWI Banned Books panel, I think, was Joan Bertin's comment that the sooner you report a banned or challenged book, the better. It's much easier to prevent a book from being removed from library shelves than to get it back on the shelf once it's been taken off.

Best regards, Susanna

Susanna Reich Chair, Children's and Young Adult Book Committee PEN American Center

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Received on Thu 06 Mar 2014 08:05:59 AM CST