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They don't teach... not required to teach sex education and a book recommendation

From: Scottish Tea <>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:55:42 -0500

In relationship to our discussion about YA Lit and Sex. I just saw this on CNN. I found it rather sad that in the 21st Century a state does not require some type of sex education for students.

*A show out to:*

*Sex & Violence *written by Carrie Mesrobian A finalist for the William C. Morris Award

I saw Carrie speak at ALA Midwinter. Her brief talk was touching for a first time novelist. Her emotion and passion was heartwarming. The book starts out with all the casual sex and YA f**k dialogue we expect but then goes much deeper into life issues. I like the title because you know right up front what it is about. Then it surprises you because it is never just about sex.
*This is so true in real life at that age and beyond. *

Sue Bartle

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Received on Thu 06 Mar 2014 12:56:01 AM CST