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Children's Book Guild Nonfiction Award Celebration April 5 Washington, D.C.
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From: Karen Leggett <>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:00:24 -0500
The Children’s Book Guild of Washington, D.C., invites everyone to celebrate this year’s Nonfiction Award Winner Candace Fleming. The author of more than 20 children’s books in different genres, Candace Fleming has written the following acclaimed biographies: Amelia Lost (2011; 2012 Golden Kite Award for Nonfiction), The Great and Only Barnum (2009), The Lincolns (2008; Boston Globe/Horn Book Award), Our Eleanor (2005) and Ben Franklin's Almanac (2003). This summer look forward to The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia.
The celebration is April 5, Noon to 3pm, Clyde’s Gallery Place, Washington, D.C. More information and reservations at
RSVP today!
Karen Leggett Children’s Book Guild
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Received on Mon 03 Mar 2014 07:01:02 PM CST
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:00:24 -0500
The Children’s Book Guild of Washington, D.C., invites everyone to celebrate this year’s Nonfiction Award Winner Candace Fleming. The author of more than 20 children’s books in different genres, Candace Fleming has written the following acclaimed biographies: Amelia Lost (2011; 2012 Golden Kite Award for Nonfiction), The Great and Only Barnum (2009), The Lincolns (2008; Boston Globe/Horn Book Award), Our Eleanor (2005) and Ben Franklin's Almanac (2003). This summer look forward to The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia.
The celebration is April 5, Noon to 3pm, Clyde’s Gallery Place, Washington, D.C. More information and reservations at
RSVP today!
Karen Leggett Children’s Book Guild
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Received on Mon 03 Mar 2014 07:01:02 PM CST