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From Eric Gansworth RE: Book Trailer for If I Ever Get Out of Here?
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From: Kathleen Horning <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 14:37:37 -0600
Question #3: Your art, the discography, and of course the story you tell in If I Ever Get Out of Here would work well in a book trailer. Is there one in the works?
Not that I know of. I’ve seen some book trailers and they look like pretty expensive propositions (I should say professional book trailers look this way. Some of the DIY Book trailers I’ve seen on Youtube, for self-published books, seem to be begging for a spot on Tosh.0, and I’d generally think it a wise move not to attempt such a thing, myself.) My guess, based on the awesome trailers I’ve seen, is that they’re more for those kinds of books that have a potentially higher financial return than mine is likely to. It’s a quiet story of two awkward friends, set in an era probably even dated for the parents of current YA readers. I think realistically, the costs of including any Beatles music would be budget prohibitive. I’m thankful the terrific bunch of folks at Scholastic got behind this quiet story and helped me send it out into the world, but I don’t see it as the next Twilight. My Indians remain Indians--no shape changers. In fact, I suppose the book is about Lewis’s deficits in being a shape changer. He can’t even transform himself effectively into a regular middle school kid, let along a werewolf with dreamy eyes and abs. The closest he gets to being a werewolf is hitting puberty, traumatic enough, as far as I’m concerned.
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 14:37:37 -0600
Question #3: Your art, the discography, and of course the story you tell in If I Ever Get Out of Here would work well in a book trailer. Is there one in the works?
Not that I know of. I’ve seen some book trailers and they look like pretty expensive propositions (I should say professional book trailers look this way. Some of the DIY Book trailers I’ve seen on Youtube, for self-published books, seem to be begging for a spot on Tosh.0, and I’d generally think it a wise move not to attempt such a thing, myself.) My guess, based on the awesome trailers I’ve seen, is that they’re more for those kinds of books that have a potentially higher financial return than mine is likely to. It’s a quiet story of two awkward friends, set in an era probably even dated for the parents of current YA readers. I think realistically, the costs of including any Beatles music would be budget prohibitive. I’m thankful the terrific bunch of folks at Scholastic got behind this quiet story and helped me send it out into the world, but I don’t see it as the next Twilight. My Indians remain Indians--no shape changers. In fact, I suppose the book is about Lewis’s deficits in being a shape changer. He can’t even transform himself effectively into a regular middle school kid, let along a werewolf with dreamy eyes and abs. The closest he gets to being a werewolf is hitting puberty, traumatic enough, as far as I’m concerned.
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