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Re: Sarah's action list

From: Barbara Binns <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 11:10:41 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to everyone who put this up. I am in the middle of preparing a speach to give to teachers and librarians later this month (Oh God, less than two weeks) that is being extensively rewritten and added to based on this month's discussion. I knew I would not have time to post the list, but I'm happy to be able to make it available to participants and in integral part of my talk.

  B. A. Binns What if you were the only one of your kind?   Find out in Minority of One coming March 2014 from AllTheColorsOfLove press 2010 National Readers Choice Award Winner 2012 YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers 2012-13 Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award Nominee Stories of Real Boys Growing Into Real Menwebsite -

On Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:15 AM, Debbie Reese <> wrote:
  Good morning,

I've seen Sarah's list of actions at two different sites. Terrific! 

I've added it to mine, too, as a page rather than blog post. It is in the menu bar beneath my logo (logo created by my kick-ass daughter, by the way). Here's the link. Please share it with parents, teachers in your schools, librarian networks you are part of, and anyone else who works with children and books.


__________________________________________________________ Debbie Reese, PhD Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo


Website: American Indians in Children's Literature

Now: Studying for MLIS at San Jose State University Then: Assistant Professor in American Indian Studies, University of Illinois 

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Received on Sun 02 Mar 2014 01:14:02 PM CST