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RE: 2014 Ezra Jack Keats Award Announcement

From: Jeanne Devlin <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 12:09:50 -0600

The big houses would, of course, be the best financially at least up front. Small presses do the best to provide illustrators an advance and then a good royalty, and I do know at least at our press one thing we promise is to work for years to come to get that book out into the public. We purchase manuscripts/picture books that we believe are timeless ... that won't be gone with the new season. And one thing we also do is devote lots of time to novice illustrators -- one who may have all kinds of talent but no credentials but also established artists who have all kinds of illustrative or gallery experience but who have never done books and who want the transition or the experience to be educational ... if that makes sense. We also try to pair artists with stories -- if they don't bring their own -- that they feel passionate about, so the project can be a labor of love that also brings a publishing credit and income. I was apologizing recently to an established artist for our advance size, and she was so lovely. She said, Look I am new to books so I consider myself a beginner in this regard and I know this will be a learning process. When I offered to up her royalties -- based again on her experience and reputation and a desire not to take advantage -- when it came to all the licensing options in the contract, she demurred. "Leave some money so you can work with more new artists," she said. "We will all benefit in the long run." With that can kind of collaborative spirit, anything is possible. JeanneThe RoadRunner Press

From: Subject: Re:[ccbc-net] 2014 Ezra Jack Keats Award Announcement Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:26:50 -0600 To:;

Rita, or anyone with insight into this: If I do find a Native illustrator who might be interested in doing illustrations for children's books, what might I tell him or her regarding compensation? Does that art "pay the bills" for them? I suppose it depends, but thought I might garner a bit of info to pass along. Debbie

__________________________________________________________Debbie Reese, PhDTribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo Email: Website: American Indians in Children's Literature_at_ Now: Studying for MLIS at San Jose State UniversityThen: Assistant Professor in American Indian Studies, University of Illinois

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Received on Sun 02 Mar 2014 12:10:08 PM CST