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Shonto Begay!

From: Debbie Reese <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 11:32:35 -0600

A few minutes before asking my question of CCBC about illustrators, one of Shonto Begay's posts in my Facebook feed caught my eye. I asked him if he was still interested in doing illustrations of children's books.

It was a shot in the dark... and he relied immediately with a 'yes' and a 'what's up?"

Some publishers have asked me for illustrators in the past. Hurray! We have one interested, and it is SHONTO BEGAY. His work is gorgeous!

__________________________________________________________ Debbie Reese, PhD Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo


Website: American Indians in Children's Literature

Now: Studying for MLIS at San Jose State University Then: Assistant Professor in American Indian Studies, University of Illinois

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Received on Sun 02 Mar 2014 11:32:54 AM CST