CCBC-Net Archives

Fellowship Opportunity

From: Ellen Ruffin <>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:49:12 +0000

The Special Collections and Bechtel Fellowship Committee members would like you to be aware of this opportunity. Consider applying yourself or spreading th e word to friends and colleagues! The Louise Seaman Bechtel Fellowship provid es a $4,000 grant to a qualified children’s librarian to spend a month or more reading and studying at the Baldwin Library of the George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville. The Baldwin Library contains a special collection of 85,000 volumes of children’s literature published mostly before 1950. The fellowship is endowed in memory of Louise Seaman Bechtel and Ruth M. Baldwin" ( The deadline to apply to this year's Bechtel Fellowship is October 18, 2013 . Application material/information is available on the ALA site at: Applicants must: Be personal members of ALSC as well as ALA; organizational members are not eligible Currently be working in direct service to children, or retired members who complete their careers in direct service to children,
 for a minimum of eigh t years Have a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program Be willing to write a report about his/her study; the report will be submit ted to the ALSC Office, for distribution to the Bechtel Committee and for possi ble inclusion in Children and Libraries, and to the Director of the Smathers Libraries and the Director of the Center for the Study of Children’s Literature and Media at the University of Florida If selected, Fellowship winners would agree to present a minimum of three public programs based on their research project to children in libraries or schools following the completion of their Fellowship period Please send your application to Bechtel Fellowship Committee chair, Jeanne Lamb at Book Ops/Brooklyn Public Library & New York Public Library, 31-11 Thomso n Avenue, Long island City, NY 11101 - or - . Applications are due by October 18, 2013.
Received on Wed 04 Sep 2013 02:49:12 PM CDT