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gender books and ready to read

From: Killeen3 <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 18:25:06 -0400 (EDT)

It seemed to me that the search engine on the Ready to Read site wasn't ver y specific or sophistocated. Each of those searches indicated sports and v ery few of the titles had anything to do with sports -- boy or girl!!!

A big problem for early readers all the time -- very few sports books that are interesting!

Business in general has a problem with boys and girls stuff --- just try bu

ying a baby doll for a toddler. American Girl (yes, I get the name bias al ready) only has a boy baby doll if you get the toddler twins and everything is pink in their line. I ended up buying my grandson a boy baby doll from a French line at the specialty toy store at the mall. If they still aren' t giving us dolls for boys even years after William's Doll, we have a lot o f problems.

Luckily, tons of chefs are men so play kitchens are available for boys.

Why don't we just get stuff in green, yellow, and red???

As far as animal identification in books, etc. sometimes it is the reader who makes the animal one or the other! My daughter thought Big Bird was a girl when she was three. I never told her otherwise! Erlene Bishop Killeen
Received on Thu 15 Aug 2013 06:25:06 PM CDT