CCBC-Net Archives

Re: ccbc-net digest: July 05, 2013

From: Linda Pavonetti <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 09:42:51 -0400

One of my favorite road trip books is *An Abundance of Katherines* by John Green. It is definitely YA, but there are parts that are laugh-out-loud funny. The footnotes will tickle the fancy of geeks--and those just interested in the plot can skip them. I am also surprised that no one has mentioned the Tillerman Cycle--*

Homecoming*, *Dicey's Song*-- by Cynthia Voigt. They are classics. These

represent the ultimate road trip books for middle grade readers, in my opinion.

Received on Sat 06 Jul 2013 09:42:51 AM CDT