CCBC-Net Archives

Children, Children's Lit, and Popular Culture

From: Patrick Cox <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 11:08:27 -0400

The Children and Childhood Studies Area of the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association invites you to participate in the annual MAPACA conference. Papers in this area examine the impact of popular culture on children and childhood, as well as the role of children and young adults as influencers and creators of popular and American culture. Work from the world of Children's Literature would be most welcome in this area!

Single papers, panels, roundtables, and alternative formats are welcome. Proposals should take the form of 300-word abstracts. The deadline for submission is Friday, June 14, 2013. This year’s conference will be in Atlantic City, NJ, Nov. 7-9, 2013. For the complete call as well info on how to submit a proposal, please see Please direct any questions about the Children and Childhood Studies area to area chair Patrick Cox at

MAPACA welcomes proposals on all aspects of popular and American Culture. For a list of MAPACA’s other areas and area chair contact information, visit Subject Areas . General questions can be directed to

MAPACA is an inclusive professional organization dedicated to the study of popular and American culture in all their multi-disciplinary manifestations. The association is comprised of college and university faculty, independent scholars and artists, and graduate and undergraduate students. It is a regional division of the Popular Culture and American Culture Association , which, in the words of Popular Culture Association founder Ray Browne, is a “multi-disciplinary association interested in new approaches to the expressions, mass media and all other phenomena of everyday life.”


Patrick Cox

Area Chair, Children and Childhood Studies

Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Studies Association

Patrick Cox PhD Candidate, Childhood Studies, Rutgers Lecturer, American Studies, Penn State

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." Camus

"Don't let your studies interfere with your education." Henry Rutgers

"the jUdges of nOrmalitY are present everywhere." of course
Received on Tue 30 Apr 2013 11:08:27 AM CDT