CCBC-Net Archives

30 days left to vote in the CCBAs

From: Nicole Deming <>
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 09:59:30 -0400

Hi everyone -

There are 30 days left to vote in the 6th Annual Children's and Teen Choice Book Awards, the only national book awards program where the winning titles are selected by children and teens of all ages. Over 300,000 votes have already been cast by young readers!

Getting young readers involved is easy -- host a polling day or create a ballot box in your school or library, then tally and enter kids' votes into the group ballot at by May 9.

More ideas for educators are here:, including multimedia resources for teaching each of the finalists in your library or classroom, curated by

Join us in helping every young reader voice their choice! Winners will be announced live at the kick-off event to the 94th annual Children 's Book Week (May 13-19, 2013), the Children 's Choice Book Awards Gala. Video footage will be available after the ceremony - host a viewing party with your patrons or students so they can watch their favorite authors & illustrators accept their awards!

Happy voting!

All best,



Nicole Deming | Communications Manager

The Children's Book Council, Inc. & Every Child a Reader, Inc.

54 West 39th St., Floor 14 | New York, NY 10018

(p) 212.966.1990, x303 | (f) 212.966.2073 |

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Vote for the Children's Choice Book Awards!

Voting open until May 9

Celebrate Children's Book Week

May 13-19, 2013
Received on Tue 09 Apr 2013 09:59:30 AM CDT