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STEM Literature for Grades 6-12

From: Schmidt, Tessa M. DPI <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 13:15:00 -0500

I was glad to see "Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith" by Deborah Heiligman on the list Megan shared as it is the first title that came to m ind when I thought of STEM literature for older readers.

What I particularly love about this book is the exploration of struggle and conflict in the realms of science and relationships. While many readers a re likely familiar with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, this book inv estigates the evolution of the theory itself. In particular, Heiligman exp lores how Charles Darwin's ideas shaped his identity as a scientist and hus band, and the effect this had on Emma Darwin's identity as a wife and Chris tian. For me, this book examined an unfamiliar (love!) story hidden behind textbook science (depending on state curriculum). For teen readers, I fee l that this book offers an interesting look at the humanity of science. It also offers a reminder that there is such more to discover about our world -young scientists with new ideas are needed!

Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Youth and Special Services Consultant Wisconsin DPI, Public Library Development 125 South Webster Street, PO Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841 P: (608) 267-5077 F: (608) 267-9207

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Received on Tue 19 Mar 2013 01:15:00 PM CDT