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Re: US History from 1875-2013 in Teen Non-Fiction

From: Maia Randhava <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:05:55 -0500


These titles are not U.S. based, but in 8th grade we include a genocide unit and students read the following titles:

What Is The What? The Berling Boxing Club Alive In The Killing Fields Between Shades of Grey The Book Thief

In 7th we survey wars and include the following:

The Bomb (NF) In The Time Of The Butterflies Never Fall Down Fallen Angels Sunrise Over Fallujah Day Of Tears Code Name Verity War Horse

Some title could be flip-flopped as well.

Maia Randhava 7th and 8th Grade Teacher Reading and Language Arts Nichols Middle School


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Received on Wed 13 Mar 2013 11:05:55 AM CDT