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US History from 1875-2013 in Teen Non-Fiction
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From: Fred Kirchner <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:32:17 -0400
I'm presenting to a high school US History class at the end of March on US History from 1875 to 2013. I'm also building a collection of Teen (and Adult) non-fiction that will appeal to kids asked to read a work of historical non-fiction by their teacher.
If any of you folks know of a couple really engaging titles that I shouldn't omit, please let me know. We're trying to find books around 125-150 pages. But longer is okay.
It's a huge span of change, time, innovation and tragedy. I could be a tad overwhelmed.
Many Thanks, Fred Kirchner Teen Librarian Dayton, OH
Received on Wed 13 Mar 2013 11:32:17 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:32:17 -0400
I'm presenting to a high school US History class at the end of March on US History from 1875 to 2013. I'm also building a collection of Teen (and Adult) non-fiction that will appeal to kids asked to read a work of historical non-fiction by their teacher.
If any of you folks know of a couple really engaging titles that I shouldn't omit, please let me know. We're trying to find books around 125-150 pages. But longer is okay.
It's a huge span of change, time, innovation and tragedy. I could be a tad overwhelmed.
Many Thanks, Fred Kirchner Teen Librarian Dayton, OH
Received on Wed 13 Mar 2013 11:32:17 AM CDT