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Books on diversity
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From: Sharon Chmielarz <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 22:47:05 -0500
Thanks, John. I live in a suburb which is quite diverse as is my immediate neighborhood. (African-American, African-African, Vietnamese, Mid-Eastern, Caucasian. Have I left anyone out that is here?) I remember from poetry readings a decade or so ago people who lived in the city drubbed the suburbs for being all-white. Even then I'd think, you should come out and shop in a grocery store out here. But I didn't. Having books like yours is a much better response.
Sharon Sharon Chmielarz
Received on Tue 12 Mar 2013 10:47:05 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 22:47:05 -0500
Thanks, John. I live in a suburb which is quite diverse as is my immediate neighborhood. (African-American, African-African, Vietnamese, Mid-Eastern, Caucasian. Have I left anyone out that is here?) I remember from poetry readings a decade or so ago people who lived in the city drubbed the suburbs for being all-white. Even then I'd think, you should come out and shop in a grocery store out here. But I didn't. Having books like yours is a much better response.
Sharon Sharon Chmielarz
Received on Tue 12 Mar 2013 10:47:05 PM CDT