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Call for Creative Caldecott Celebrations
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From: Schmidt, Tessa M. DPI <>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 08:51:27 -0600
How are you celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Caldecott medal? Share your ideas with the Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force and you might wi n an autographed copy of a Caldecott medal or honor book.
Have you set up an engaging display? Dressed in a Caldecott character cost ume? Hosted a Caldecott read-a-thon? Send a brief description of your rec ent creative Caldecott celebration activity to Task Force member Tessa Mich aelson Schmidt. Photos and/or URLs are appreciated. Include your name, l ibrary/school, email, and mailing address. A sampling of submissions will be featured in an upcoming post on the ALSC blog.
Need some inspiration? Join us Wednesday, March 6th 1pm ET for a live Face book Forum with John Rocco. Rocco won a Caldecott Honor in 2012 for his pi cture book "Blackout" (Disney-Hyperion). See more at: http://americanlibra -facebook-forum#sthash.CB4qklfN.dpuf
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force Member
Youth and Special Services Consultant Public Library Development / Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster St. Madison, WI 53707 p: (608)267-5077
Received on Fri 01 Mar 2013 08:51:27 AM CST
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 08:51:27 -0600
How are you celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Caldecott medal? Share your ideas with the Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force and you might wi n an autographed copy of a Caldecott medal or honor book.
Have you set up an engaging display? Dressed in a Caldecott character cost ume? Hosted a Caldecott read-a-thon? Send a brief description of your rec ent creative Caldecott celebration activity to Task Force member Tessa Mich aelson Schmidt. Photos and/or URLs are appreciated. Include your name, l ibrary/school, email, and mailing address. A sampling of submissions will be featured in an upcoming post on the ALSC blog.
Need some inspiration? Join us Wednesday, March 6th 1pm ET for a live Face book Forum with John Rocco. Rocco won a Caldecott Honor in 2012 for his pi cture book "Blackout" (Disney-Hyperion). See more at: http://americanlibra -facebook-forum#sthash.CB4qklfN.dpuf
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force Member
Youth and Special Services Consultant Public Library Development / Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster St. Madison, WI 53707 p: (608)267-5077
Received on Fri 01 Mar 2013 08:51:27 AM CST