CCBC-Net Archives

Appreciation of Reading and Diversity

From: Charles Bayless <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:20:53 -0500

One of the pleasures of being a reader is that of serendipity when unlikely things become linked owing to juxtaposition. A friend earlier this week sent me a link to an hour video of Justice Thomas speaking with students at Harvard Law School. Pretty far afield from my interests but out of courtesy I watched the first five minutes; and then the whole thing. It is surprising how many elements of our conversation on diversity over the past couple of weeks pop up in his comments. In one man there is an astonishing pluralism. Given our turn towards humor, there is also a lot of storytelling and gentle wit. You might be interested:


There is a lot of talk about law and the operations of the court so I have pulled out the elements most likely to appeal.

Minute Marker and Topics

5-10 The value of reading and the origin of his love of reading in the Jim Crow South. An appreciation of Librarians.

19-23 The value of arguments

25-26 Storytelling

45-51 Virtue and the importance of doing well in order to do good

53-55 Intellectual diversity

57-1:01 Importance of inclusiveness not only in actions but in writing. Style of writing as a barrier. Differences between oral communication and written communication

1:01 Role of ruthless editing in good communication

1:02-1:05 Importance of diversity of experience

1:05-1:09 The reading influences on his life and work

1:09 Language from the perspective of a Supreme Court Justice whose native tongue is Geechee.

Received on Wed 20 Feb 2013 12:20:53 PM CST