CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Latino Picture Books

From: Sue Macy <>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 12:22:14 -0500

Perhaps the success of Justice Sotomayor№s memoir -- see this article from yesterday№s New York Times: ‹ will energize publishers№ and booksellers№ interest in Latino literature, both fiction an d nonfiction. Macy

On 2/5/13 11:46 AM, "Jones, Caroline E" wrote:

As a former bookseller, I can't help but return to the market in scenario s such as this one. Perhaps many publishers perceive Latino topics as too politicized in the current climate? With the Latino population growing so healthily, it seems ridiculous that they don't choose to capitalize on th e increasing market. I am a Texan, and must rely on small independent publi shers like Cinco Puntos who can't always afford to keep books in print, and who have a relatively small output. I look forward to the thoughts of other list members. Caroline
Received on Tue 05 Feb 2013 12:22:14 PM CST