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The Eric Carle Museum, Lesley University, and NE SCBWI Team Up for an Event for Teachers and School Librarians
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From: Cappiello, Mary Ann <>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:28:45 +0000
Lesley University and the New England Society of Children's Book Writers an d Illustrators are cosponsoring an event for educators, "From Creative Proc ess to Curriculum Connections: Children's Books in the Classroom," at the E ric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art on March 23rd from 10:00 am – 3:30 p m.
From Lesley University: "The Classroom Bookshelf" blog authors Mary Ann Cap piello, Erika Thulin Dawes, and Grace Enriquez ( ).
From SCBWI: Melissa Sweet, Leslie Bulion, Carol Peacock, Susan Hood, Holly Berry, Leda Schubert, Tanya Lee Stone, and Leslea Newman.
For further details and registration information, please go to: http://www.
Thanks, Mary Ann
Mary Ann Cappiello, Ed.D. Associate Professor Language & Literacy Division Coordinator, Collaborative Internship Partnership Graduate School of Education Lesley University
Teaching with Text Sets,
/ Office Phone: (617) 349-8603 Office Location: 2-054 University Hall
Mailing Address: 29 Everett Street Cambridge, MA 02138
Received on Fri 01 Feb 2013 01:28:45 PM CST
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:28:45 +0000
Lesley University and the New England Society of Children's Book Writers an d Illustrators are cosponsoring an event for educators, "From Creative Proc ess to Curriculum Connections: Children's Books in the Classroom," at the E ric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art on March 23rd from 10:00 am – 3:30 p m.
From Lesley University: "The Classroom Bookshelf" blog authors Mary Ann Cap piello, Erika Thulin Dawes, and Grace Enriquez ( ).
From SCBWI: Melissa Sweet, Leslie Bulion, Carol Peacock, Susan Hood, Holly Berry, Leda Schubert, Tanya Lee Stone, and Leslea Newman.
For further details and registration information, please go to: http://www.
Thanks, Mary Ann
Mary Ann Cappiello, Ed.D. Associate Professor Language & Literacy Division Coordinator, Collaborative Internship Partnership Graduate School of Education Lesley University
Teaching with Text Sets,
/ Office Phone: (617) 349-8603 Office Location: 2-054 University Hall
Mailing Address: 29 Everett Street Cambridge, MA 02138
Received on Fri 01 Feb 2013 01:28:45 PM CST