CCBC-Net Archives

ALA/ALSC Awards Excitement

From: Schmidt, Tessa M. DPI <>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 07:06:52 -0600

Maintain the high from Monday's Youth Media Awards announcements by celebra ting the 75th Anniversary of the Caldecott Medal in three easy ways.

1) Sign Up for a Webinar! Registration is currently open for "Expanding the Caldecott Experience: Pro gramming with Caldecott Winning and Honor Books " with instructor Gene Nelson and "Get to Know the Ca ldecott Winners " with i nstructors Kathleen T. Horning and Nick Glass. Both webinars are completel y free to ALSC members and $55 for nonmembers. An archived version of thes e sessions will be available to members free of charge after the webinar ha s taken place; you do not need to register for the webinar to receive the a rchive. Space is limited; please do not register unless you are sincere ab out attending live.

2) Attend a Facebook Forum with a Caldecott Artist! Laura Vaccaro Seeger will participate in the 75th Caldecott Facebook Forum at 11 a.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. Seeger won a Caldecott H onor in 2008 for "First the Egg." As part of the Forum, ALSC will intervie w Seeger about her Caldecott experience. This event is open to the public a nd a Facebook account is not required to view the event. Join the discussio n on the ALSC Facebook page.

3) Register for the Caldecott Preconference at ALA Annual! Register for "A Wild Ride: 75 Years of the Caldecott Medal," the ALSC preco nference at ALA Annual on Friday, Ju ne 28, 2013, Chicago, IL. Take a wild ride through the past, present and f uture of award-winning children's book art. Hear about the creative proces s from an array of Caldecott winners, as well as editors, art directors, an d production managers. Engage with one another in small focus groups and i nteractive, critical discussions of Caldecott medal books throughout the ye ars.

For more information about these events and to find out more about the Cald ecott 75th Anniversary, visit

Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force Member

Youth and Special Services Consultant Public Library Development / Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster St. Madison, WI 53707 p: (608)267-5077
Received on Fri 01 Feb 2013 07:06:52 AM CST