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Another loss: Vale Jan Ormerod
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From: Judith Ridge <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:23:03 +1100
Apologies for cross-posting.
Very sad indeed to learn today of the death of Jan Ormerod. For those of you not familiar with her work, Jan was an author and illustrator of picture books. Although she was Australian, she lived and worked in the UK for many years. Jan won the Prime Minister's Literary Award in 2011 for Shake a Leg, which she illustrated (written by Monty Boori Pryor, one of our first Children's Laureates).
Shake a Leg:
Judge's report from the PMLA:
We're in mourning here in Australia, and I know that's shared around the world.
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:23:03 +1100
Apologies for cross-posting.
Very sad indeed to learn today of the death of Jan Ormerod. For those of you not familiar with her work, Jan was an author and illustrator of picture books. Although she was Australian, she lived and worked in the UK for many years. Jan won the Prime Minister's Literary Award in 2011 for Shake a Leg, which she illustrated (written by Monty Boori Pryor, one of our first Children's Laureates).
Shake a Leg:
Judge's report from the PMLA:
We're in mourning here in Australia, and I know that's shared around the world.
--Received on Thu 24 Jan 2013 09:23:03 PM CST